Saturday, April 24, 2021

Sample essay nursing

Sample essay nursing

sample essay nursing

Nursing. Nursing is an important medical profession that includes providing assistance to doctors and physicians. As a significant part of the health care sector families, individuals, and communities around the world benefit from their care and services Sample application essay for nursing school. Instructions: This essay is for when I apply to nursing school. I am going for a bachelors in nursing. The only criteria for the essay is that it must be two pages long. The essay is supposed to describe my philosophy of nursing 3/31/ · Types of Nursing Care Delivery Systems Pages: 12 ( words) Debate Surrounding Issues of Procreation Pages: 49 ( words) Virginia Henderson Pages: 12 ( words) Qualified nurse during a clinical placement Essay Pages: 17 ( words) Nursing Image Pages: 8 ( words) The Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory Pages: 9 ( words)

Free Nursing Essay Sample - Descriptive Essay Examples For Students

Promoting healthy lifestyles and behaviors and prevention of disease has shifted to a forefront position in the arena of healthcare. Nurses now incorporate areas of education, practice, methodology, and research which has set them at the cutting edge in health promotion.

Studies have shown that health promotion is highly sample essay nursing and as health costs rise, targeting diseases that are preventable such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, COPD, and communicable diseases such as Hepatitis and HIV can greatly diminish healthcare costs. Promoting prevention rather than just curing disease after it occurs will reduce healthcare costs exponentially.

In the past, nurses provided patient education arranged at teaching patients how to manage current illness, the focus was on the present.

The spotlight is now on future health and management of wellness and on remaining healthy. In order to do this, nurses must possess a strong understanding of the disease process and interventions that can be made in order to guide the patient and communities. They also must be well educated and knowledgeable in evidence-based practice and methods to coach and teach patients as well as family members, sample essay nursing. Nurses play a key role in guiding decisions in sample essay nursing by individuals, families and communities.

They must understand theories, models and practices and be equipped to implement interventions as well as evaluate effectiveness and redesign the approach to meet the desired outcome. As sample essay nursing become more aware of the benefits of good health and aware of their own health, community wellness is likely to improve. In order to facilitate and implement these changes, information delivery must be adequate and appropriate.

Nurses must be educated in the delivery of health education and equipped to head off barriers to learning before they happen. Understanding cultural diversity and learning models promote better education of patients and communities. Advocating for healthy behaviors and lifestyles must be implemented and promoted at every contact with the patient.

This is already seen in action by incentives for smoking cessation and weight loss by organizations sample essay nursing insurance companies. The public must be given the appropriate tools to enable them to make the changes necessary to promote wellness goals. In addition, optimizing opportunities during patient contact must be made. Every contact is an opportunity to advance healthy behaviors and to education patients and families, sample essay nursing.

Clinic visits alone should not be the only interaction nurses utilize to address health promotion. Dressing changes, injections, sample essay nursing, home health sample essay nursing, and telephone contact are all optimal times to promote healthy behavior and educate patients, sample essay nursing. The platform for teaching comes in many settings for nurses and must be utilized to the highest extent possible.

Health promotion comes in three formats, primary, secondary, and tertiary. The first level of health care, or primary prevention is provisioned to promote health and prevention of disease. The second level or secondary prevention is aimed at early identification of disease. Targeting high risk individuals in which the disease process has not yet manifested itself in order to promote measures that minimize the effects of disease.

The third level of health care is known as tertiary prevention. This level of care involves care of disease that is already established. It works to restore the best level of function and disease management. It also promotes diminishing any further advancement of the disease process. The main difference between the three levels of care is primarily the extent of disease and sample essay nursing level of affliction faced by the patient.

Primary level of care deals mainly with healthy individuals who have not yet displayed evidence of disease. This level deals with lessening the propensity for disease through methods such as vitamins, immunizations, sample essay nursing, weight control, smoking cessation and other healthy lifestyle behaviors.

The secondary level addresses care geared towards maintaining the level of health the patient is currently at and preventing advancement of disease.

An example of this would be a patient who has a family history of hypertension whose blood pressure readings are increasingly elevated. Health promotion would be designed to avoid onset of the disease as well as health lifestyle changes to limit the already present risk, sample essay nursing. In tertiary prevention, care involves addressing health conditions and disease that have already manifested. The goal of this level is to return the patient to an optimal level of functioning and preventing further progression of the disease.

This is demonstrated as educating a Hepatitis C patient on the importance of discontinuing alcohol consumption and safe sex practices to prevent transmission and coinfections.

The nursing role sample essay nursing well beyond primary care and basic skills, sample essay nursing. Health promotion is a progressive way nurses can assist patients, providers and communities in implementing and advocating for wellness and prevention of disease.

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Reading My Nursing Application Essay That Got Me Accepted Into Nursing School

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The best nursing admission essay examples

sample essay nursing

Showing willingness for helping others when they go through their most difficult times means that you have greater chances to apply for nursing school. Many graduate nursing admission essay examples describe real experiences of nurses helping people to stay on 4/9/ · Nursing Essay Introduction Example: “The hospital-based switch training university-based change has made a major impact on the way nurses operate in the workforce. Substantial changes have helped shape and improve the role of a nurse, working conditions, and a nurse’s income Title: The Effects of Stress on Nursing Students Example essay. Last modified: 16th Mar Introduction: As the healthcare system continues to develop, the field of nursing and the need for new nurses continues to rise. Nursing is a career that is rewarding and exciting but is

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