8/9/ · Sample reflective commentary. Having scored a 10/10 in my own reflective commentary, I will provide a structure that can be used to ensure you are including everything you need. I discussed my own reactions to the original text, and described how I wanted to rouse similar reactions in the reader of my creative response A reflective essay is a type of written work which reflects your own self. Since it’s about yourself, you already have a topic to write about. For reflective essay examples, readers expect you to evaluate a specific part of your life. To do this, you may reflect on emotions, memories, and feelings you’ve experienced at that time A Reflective Commentary is either a short piece of reflective writing ( words for Levels 1, 2 and 3; or words at Foundation Level) considering the particular assignment it accompanies, or it’s a longer piece of reflective writing which you submit at the end of the unit in which you reflect on your learning over the unit as a whole, with reference to particular assignments (especially the final assignment)
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That is through the reflective commentary, which you can totally score full marks on if you put in the effort. This aspect of the assessment counts for 10 of the 60 marks available for the Creative Response outcome. The study design further denotes that students must. This allows your schools and teachers to direct in a relatively broad way on how you should form your reflective commentary, and may mean your friends at other schools write theirs in a very different way.
In this blog post I will leave you with a suggestion of how I best believe a reflective commentary could be structured to include all important aspects, reflective commentary essay examples, as well as tips on how to include all of what the study design asks. As I said, these are ten marks that can easily be snatched with just a little bit of hard work and attention to detail, so why not snatch them? To induce the things needed to be included in the reflective commentary, we can look to the key knowledge and key skills points outlined in the study design:.
As you write, ensure you are discussing how the author uses point of view, context, form, elements of construction and stylistic features in their text. It is than imperative that you describe how you have similarly used such device in your creative response. Ensure that you also discuss how you are involving the ideas and reflective commentary essay examples of the text in your creative piece, reflective commentary essay examples, and how you are discussing them further, or exploring them in greater depth.
Obviously only talk about reflective commentary essay examples that are relevant to your creative response! I discussed my own reactions to the original text, and described how I wanted to rouse similar reactions in the reader of my creative response.
In your reflective commentary, it can be easier to put everything under subheadings. These are the ones that I used:. Under each of these paragraphs, I analysed how the author used such features to create and convey meaning, and discussed how I, in my own piece, reflective commentary essay examples, drew on her use of them and expanded on her ideas.
In my piece, I ultimately attempted to lead the reader to a place of discomfort, faced with a situation that they wish never to be faced with. I sought to elicit the same response from reflective commentary essay examples reader, as I aimed to convey the deterioration that both lovers suffer, as well as the loss of communication between them.
I also attempted to allow the reader to question the humanity in keep people alive by machines and drugs, and whether it is fair to reflective commentary essay examples people to live an unnatural life, reflective commentary essay examples. The themes of my piece seeks to explore are the ways of coping with grief, guilt at causing the illness of a loved one, a life with a lack of substance, and the loss of communication due to illness.
Now quite sure how to nail your text response essays? Then download our free mini-guide, where we break down the art of writing the perfect text-response essay into three comprehensive steps. Click below to get your own copy today! Imagine a friend tells you eerie accounts of her witnessing a ghostly presence in her home.
You scoff and condescendingly humour her. But as her stories begin to manifest itself in her gaunt appearance, you alarmingly notice how she truly believes in the apparitions she recounts.
You begin to doubt her sanity, you begin to doubt the certainty with which you dismissed her supernatural visions and now, you begin to doubt yourself. THE SUSPENSE BUILDS. Sure — the evidence of this ghost is frighteningly scary. THE SUSPENSE — is gone. Notice how the form and genre of the reflective commentary essay examples word in the first example was meaningful in its the effect on the reader? But when the form changed to a film, the meaningful suspense and ambiguity that was unique and crucial in the original text, changedand was no longer as pronounced.
Yes — the film itself may be terrifying. Most importantly is to share your original interpretation of what meaning and significance you reflective commentary essay examples extract from the text, and how you believe it changes once the form alters. As always with Literature, this task is designed for you to critically analyse and actively engage with the text, understanding its nuances inside and out in order to decipher its meaning.
It is the insightful analysis of the subtleties of how meaning is altered that will help you stand out! The idea of critical lenses in literary perspective essays can often be tough to fully grasp, reflective commentary essay examples.
Is sticking to just one ok? Are there enough examples in the text to support a purely feminist viewpoint? Or a Marxist one? What about post-colonialism? Luckily when it comes to Shakespearean texts, Twelfth Night in particular, a lot of people throughout history have already studied these ideas and critical lenses, and there are many more resources out there for you to utilize than you might think. Thus, we are faced with the extremely helpful nature of published critical readings.
These critical essays are pieces often published by university professors or scholars which offer an in-depth analysis and examination of a given text. While much of the language is complicated and a bit overwrought at times, the content within the essays can give you helpful ideas and can help you gather a repertoire of vocabulary and evidence for your own literary perspectives essay. For instance, reflective commentary essay examples, the critical essay Rethinking Sexuality and Class in Twelfth Night by Nancy Lindhiem, gives insight into both the Marxist and the queer lens.
In the first part of the sentence, the student outlines the idea of androgyny shown in bold specific to the character of Viola. Another way of making use of these critical readings is to draw from some of their sophisticated vocabulary. The reflective commentary essay examples is an example of how a student was able to adjust and reflective commentary essay examples her vocabulary specific to their chosen lens by reading critical essays.
After studying a couple of feminist and queer critical essays to Twelfth Nightthe student highlighted some repetitive language and terms used within the essays, and was able to use them within their own essay. Another benefit of going through critical readings is the external or contextual references they make. An example of this is in Rethinking Sexuality and Class in Twelfth Night by Nancy Lindhiem, where the author makes reference to Narcissus, a character from Metamorphoses — a Latin narrative poem from 8 AD:.
Noticing this reference as a motif in many other critical readings too, this student decided to insert it into their own essay here:. See how the student was able to discuss it in their own way? Referencing external texts in your literary perspectives essay can prove very useful if done once or twice, as it demonstrates that you are able to apply the reflective commentary essay examples within the chosen text to wider elements of society and culture.
One of the most efficient ways of going through these sorts of essays which are often quite elaborate and at times difficult to understand fully is to print them out, grab a highlighter and pen and skim through as much as possible. Highlight words, reflective commentary essay examples, terms or phrases which spark your intrigue, or ones you feel you may be able to manipulate as evidence to support your own essay.
Overall, reflective commentary essay examples, reading as many of these expert-written critical essays as reflective commentary essay examples can be extremely beneficial in developing a greater understanding of the critical lenses, the ideals and context of the Elizabethan theatre, and the way both dialogue and staging can be used as evidence in your own essays. So, get reading! Rethinking Sexuality and Class in Twelfth Night, Nancy Lindheim. Gender Trouble in Twelfth Night, Casey Charles.
This is the task that takes the longest time for all lit students to wrap their heads around. Not only is it difficult to understand what a literary perspective is but also what the essay requires you to do, so hopefully this article can help clear it all up for you! Put simply, literary perspectives are various different lenses used for looking at all texts. Different lenses reveal, highlight and emphasise different notions in each text.
A feminist might look towards the role of women in the text; are they only supporting characters, or do they challenge traditional gender roles? The structure of the essay and the task itself is more familiar than the close analysis essay. Cohesion comes from how well you can develop your overall argument. Providing a cohesive argument and interpretation is essential, and not just for literature, this is something that will definitely be enhanced as you continue your literature journey!
This requires a lot of research and critical readings of the wealth of criticism around the text. When you read the text, a few notable themes and ideas should be jumping out at you right away, this will be the springboard into understanding the perspectives around the text.
Fitzgerald asks readers to consider the backbone that drives a blind devotion to the accumulation of wealth. This should remind you of Karl Marx and his comments on capitalism and communism which will then open up a large wealth of research on Marxism!
So I lied a little, sunglasses as perspectives might be a bit misleading. Which means that if you want to blend a Marxist and Psychoanalytic perspective, you absolutely can, BUT you need to make sure they are incorporated well together. Greed could be something that is perpetuated by a capitalistic, reflective commentary essay examples, market centered system but it could also be something ingrained in the human psyche.
You would probably be freaking out in the exam. In sum, developing an interpretation is a rocky, complex and difficult ride but have patience, it will all pay off in the end, reflective commentary essay examples. Stick around and we will give you a few tips below on how to interpret and continue to develop your interpretation! Having control and effective use of language is a criteria present in both sections of Literature and in English!
Here are some tips on handling lit perspectives on the exam and SAC. Again, pretty self-explanatory. It absolutely essential that you respond to the whole topic. Make sure to choose ones that enhance your overall interpretation. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! By now, you know the importance of establishing a strong interpretation of your text, reflective commentary essay examples. This needs to be established in your introduction and that includes all the buzzwords of your interpretation.
What I mean is, a lot of perspectives have a lot of jargon that is not always easy to read… Part of your job in your introduction is precisely to clarify some of these key jargons, it does not have to be super detailed, just give a simple definition of some of the key terms you are working with. The breakdown is as follows:. Remember how I mentioned that one perspective can be a mix and blend of two different perspectives? Well this SAC is trying to teach you just that. This SAC also asks you to research rigorously the literary discourse around the text, so that will be your first starting point.
Find what you want to talk about and then figure out how to talk about it! Reflective commentary essay examples essay in the exam is worth 20 marks and will be double marked. The score that each examiner gives you will be added together, so both your final essays will be out of What does practicing mean in a Lit Perspectives context?
Here are a few recommendations and guidelines about how to ACE your next lit perspectives essay:. Meanwhile you can find good quotes you like and potentially spot techniques or language devices you might have missed on the first or even second read! Each time you re-read, go in with fresh ideas and perspectives and search for examples that either contradict or support your interpretation.
How to write a reflective commentary
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What you will be writing on your reflective essay is something that is rooted in your own personal experience or encounter of something. Think deep and concentrate. You may also see personal essay examples & samples. 2. Introduce your topic. In your introduction, write the concrete event or experience that you want to share. Pattern it in a story form. 3. Develop your point A Reflective Commentary is either a short piece of reflective writing ( words for Levels 1, 2 and 3; or words at Foundation Level) considering the particular assignment it accompanies, or it’s a longer piece of reflective writing which you submit at the end of the unit in which you reflect on your learning over the unit as a whole, with reference to particular assignments (especially the final assignment) 8/9/ · Sample reflective commentary. Having scored a 10/10 in my own reflective commentary, I will provide a structure that can be used to ensure you are including everything you need. I discussed my own reactions to the original text, and described how I wanted to rouse similar reactions in the reader of my creative response
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