Water pollution causes water-borne maladies such as cholera and diarrhoea. Noise pollution may damage our hearing and cause hypertension and high blood pressure while odour pollution causes serious discomfort to our olfactory organs and attracts disease bearing insects and animals. These are the harmful consequences of pollution Pollution can be classified into two sections, visible air pollution and invisible air pollution. Here are the causes and effects on pollution. Burning of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and other factory combustibles is one major cause of air pollution, also vehicles like cars, trains and airplanes cause a big amount of air pollution 9/11/ · Pollution causes and effects. Pollution is the modern day scourge that has affected the various facets of modern life. In big cities we witness hazy skies creating problems for the inhabitants and causing numerous diseases. More often than not, internet and newspapers are filled with information about the increase in the levels of the carbon
Pollution Causes and Effects : Essay, Speech, Paragraph
Pollution is the result of man-made nature harming activities. There are various causes of pollution. We have created some of the important paragraphs elaborating on the causes of pollution. Kindly read it as per your need. Impurities submerged in our natural environment are called as pollution. Nature is an integral part of the earth. It has provided elements for survival on earth. Sadly, due to some man-made activities quality of nature is degrading. These activities include the burning of fossil fuels, releasing industrial wastes, littering, etc.
These causes are not definite and they result in air, soil, water and noise pollution. Urbanization and increasing population are one of the main reasons behind pollution. Burning of coals, construction of concrete buildings, releasing household wastes in open are major reasons behind polluting the environment. Pollution is caused by the introduction of harmful substances to nature.
These substances cause various diseases and other serious issues. From the continuation of the above Paragraph, we are going to provide some of the reasons behind air pollution:, paragraph about pollution causes and effects. Burning of Fossil Fuels: Smoke released by vehicles is the major reason behind air pollution.
It increases the toxicity of the atmosphere. Industrial Chimneys: Industrialisation is a major cause of pollution. The harmful smoke produced by industrial chimneys increases the toxicity of air present in the atmosphere. Burning of Household Fuels : Smoke produced by the combustion of coal and other household fuels is the major contributor to air pollution. They irritate the eyes, respiratory tract, and lungs.
Exposure of Harmful Chemicals to the environment : Chemicals released by industrial wastes carrying toxic elements can pollute the air. When our environment gets into contact with impurities, this state is called pollution. There are various elements of pollution. From the continuation of the above paragraph, we are going to elaborate on the reasons behind water pollution. The contamination of chemicals and other harmful elements into water paragraph about pollution causes and effects called water pollution.
Releasing industrial wastes in rivers, oceans and other water bodies is one of the reasons behind water pollution. The Stubborn habit of throwing garbage into water bodies leads to water pollution.
Improper drainage systems, releasing household waste into rivers and other water resources pollute the natural source of water. Dumping of plastic waste into oceans is harmful to marine life. Degrading the most precious element of nature is unfortunate. Oil spilling, exposure of pesticides into the water, leakage of Sewer lines and improper drainage systems are also reasons behind water pollution.
In the coming days, the world will face a shortage of water. Pollution is the degradation of our environment. There are various man-made acts that are slowly destroying the rawness of our nature.
Deforestation is one of them, paragraph about pollution causes and effects. Forests are said as the natural air filters of our environment. A growing population needs space to rehabilitate.
Farming is also one of the main reasons behind the cutting down of trees. The quality of soil is also deeply affected by the contamination of harmful substances into it. There are various reasons for soil pollution:. Excessive use of pesticides contaminates the quality of the soil. Dumping garbage into land leads to the infertility paragraph about pollution causes and effects soil.
Cutting down forests is one of the major causes behind soil erosion and soil pollution. Fertilizers and Pesticides deplete the quality of the soil. Exposure of industrial wastes into the soil, infertile the quality of the soil.
Noise pollution is also counted as one of the reasons for environmental pollution. Hearing frequency is different in humans and other living organisms. If they exposed to hear more than their hearing frequency then it can cause serious issues.
Generally, the sounds produced by vehicles, paragraph about pollution causes and effects, speakers, continuous sound from the elevators, aeroplane landing, etc. are understood as the reasons behind noise pollution. Industrial sounds, household sounds, and all the other high pitched sound-producing devices are also the reason behind noise pollution.
Environment degrading elements are called as the reason for pollution. These pollutants are harmful to living organisms and our paragraph about pollution causes and effects habitat. Radioactive wastes are also one of the biggest environmental degrading elements. The scrap released by nuclear fission, nuclear power plant, bombardment, nuclear testing, etc. are the main reason behind radioactive pollution.
In the name paragraph about pollution causes and effects development, we all are degrading the natural pureness of our environment. What is the future of it? In a survey, it is declared that in the coming years the pollution level will be exceeded. As far as we have talked about the causes of pollution.
Effects on Humans: All kind of pollution whether it is air, water, soil or Noise pollution, they all are harmful to our health. They can give various kinds of serious health issues like respiratory diseases, skin allergies, paragraph about pollution causes and effects, cancer, and other diseases. Effects on Environment: Our environment is losing its quality due to the addition of fine pollutants.
The elements of environment like air, water soil are contaminated by the hazardous elements and slowly they are depleting the quality of the environment. Effects on Flora and Fauna : If we talk about greenery and bio-diversity around on the earth, they all are suffering from pollution.
Deforestation is one of the reasons behind it. Wildlife habitat is getting reduced due to consistent cutting down of forests. Terrestrial and marine organisms are suffering from pollution.
Earth has vast natural resources. From the early days, natural resources are utilized for developing a civilization. Then why to pollute it? For saving nature and mother earth there must be a proper agenda to be followed by all the people dwelling paragraph about pollution causes and effects. Samprati Pandey has done M.
Com in her academics and she is a professional web content writer. Being a commerce student she chose articles and blogs writing as a career because content writing is her passion. She use to brush up her vocab and writing skills in very effective way in order to present you fine writing. Main Menu 10 Lines Paragraph National Days Politics English Grammar Proverbs Others Date Sheet Result Essay Article Speech General Awareness Colleges Polytechnic Colleges Engineering Colleges B Ed Colleges Medical Colleges Contact us.
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Causes and effects of water pollution - Sustainability - ACCIONA
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Chemical pollution in bodies of water contributes to illnesses. Electromagnetic pollution has effects on human health but is uncommonly considered in present times despite the fact we essentially expose ourselves to it on a daily basis. Taking a look at causes and effects of environmental pollution will pull any mind on a rapid downward spiral Pollution can be defined as any undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of the natural environment. It is the result of harmful substances or energy released through human activities. Pollution occurs in different forms; air, 9/11/ · Pollution causes and effects. Pollution is the modern day scourge that has affected the various facets of modern life. In big cities we witness hazy skies creating problems for the inhabitants and causing numerous diseases. More often than not, internet and newspapers are filled with information about the increase in the levels of the carbon
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